Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sorry (2/18/19)

The reason I didn't email last week was because we didn't have a computer. All I can say being out in the bush. 

In news over the past two weeks, we ran out of water. Our well ran dry which means that we have to buy all our water to use. But it works out and our landlord brought us each a 20 gallon tub to use for the week and the faucet to refill is just outside our apartment, but it never seems to work.

In other news over the past two weeks we went to Bo for Zone conference. We enjoyed in Bo, we bought a bunch of food and went to real nice restaurants. We spent a lot of money but tha'ts okay because we saved up for it. 

Going to Bo was an adventure though. Usually, the mission sends a vehicle but they didn't this time so we had to take public transportation called pota-pota. Its a minivan where they strip the seats and put benches in and pack 18 people in. Not very comfortable but we got there. 

When we got back to Moyamba it was just the usual proselyting days. Last P-day the member didn't have his computer so we didn't email. The time is going quick though.

In other news we got four more chickens, they're dead already though. We think a cat ate them. Also, Elder Vele is from Samoa so we were planning to roast a pig. So we bought and pig and they brought it over yesterday before church and tied it to a tree. When we got back from church it was dead...oops. So we didn't roast it we just cooked the pork. 

Also in other news, we saw a monkey this week it was dope!
Sorry, my email is short I just found out about the new communication policy and my mind s going a bigillion miles and hour right now!

(link below explains that change)

I Know this church is true and love you all!

Elder Hendricks

1.Enjoying the restaurants in Bo
2. Elder Flake and I eating real ice cream (yes we ate the whole thing)
3. The monkey and I
4. Monkey and my hand

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Elder Flake and I were Chastised (2/4/19)

Elder Flake and I were chastised by the Spirit last week that we need to better taking pictures for our families, so this week we did not disappoint. 

I will start off with the bad this week. Our stove broke in the most peculiar way this way. But we can not get it to work any other way. Guess its just like cooking with a blow torch. (Pictured Below) Second, our electric pump for a well broke. This pump brought water from our well into a big tank above our house. Then using gravity we had makeshift running water for our showers and 2 facets. Yeah, that broke so we have to pump water directly out of well for everything we use now. The water is so much colder from the well than it is from the tank. So it makes washing in the morning more exciting. Some elders heat up water, but mama raised a soldier, so I basically do the ALS ice bucket challenge every time I need to wash. My companion has learned that if he hears screams from the bathroom it just means that scoop of water was colder than I expected. But all is well. 

This week was awesome in terms of teaching! We found a few more people to teach and we have two that are progressing nicely towards baptism. On Tuesday we went to Sister Konie's (finally figured out how to spell her name, weird right) and we shared a nice spiritual thought and then prepared to be on our way. Only to have her not let us go because she said she was cooking for us. To quote her "don't worry I cook fast". 3 hours later we were served. I don't know what Elder Flake and I were happier for, to eat or leave after. 

Also this week there was a super cool sunset. Because all the dust whenever the sun sets it turns into like a deep red and the sky goes crazy. Elder Flake and I tried to take a picture and apparently our cameras couldn't handle the wonder, because the pictures turned out terrible. 

When I first got to Moyamba we had one white chicken in our compound. For almost 3 months that thing annoyed the heck out of us so we gave it to a Sister in the branch. This week she brought four chicks to us and told us to raise them in our compound. Right now we have four chicks, two white and two black. We named them Tyrone, Tiffany, Daquan, and Destiny. Nice to have small company with us now. Hopefully they don't annoy us like their mom.   

I taught our institute class this past Wednesday. I taught on the power and prayer and the way that Jesus Christ taught us to pray. It's always nice when someone says a really apostate prayer in Sacrament and President Bannister has to get up after and correct them. As you can imagine we teach prayer a lot. I also taught about the power of prayer and how if we pray we can receive knowledge. I know that is true as I have prayed a bunch on my mission and received much strength and encouragement along the way. 

I know this church is true and I love it. This past week I was reading in the 7th chapter of The Book of Mormon, where it talks about how all the Lamanite ancestors as well as the Gentiles will come to a knowledge of the Gospel and repent and become baptized. The way that they can come to the knowledge is through The Book of Mormon. I love The Book of Mormon and love the opportunity that I get to share it with the people of Sierra Leone. 

Elder Hendricks

1. Our blow torch of a stove
2. Konie's food that took 3 hours to make (Cassava Leaf)
3. My homie Francis and I
4. Elder Flake and I with Tyrone and Tiffany
5. Showing kids how to Rock On

No Coronavirus Yet (03/16/2020)

While Sierra Leone still doesn't have a recorded case of the virus lots of people are still freaking out. The announcement that church w...