Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hope Springs Eternal (03/09/2020)

This past week we had zone conference and it was way nice. The overall message of the confernce was "What lack I yet?", from Matthew 19:16-22. About the young rich ruler that asked the Savior what he needs to do to gain eternal life. Whence the Savior answers that he must keep the commandments, he replies that he already does that. Christ then introduces the Law of Christ to him and instructs him to sell all he has and impart to the poor. The young ruler then went away in a sorrowful state. 

We talked about this in many aspects but the ones that I like the most are as follows.

1. We can always improve. The young ruler was keeping all the commandments of God but still sensed that he was lacking something. What are we ourselves lacking? What can we do to become closer to the Savior? How can we more closely follow the Law of Christ?

2. President Harper brought a very good point that we don't know what happened to this young ruler after. There is no record of if he stayed away from the teavhings of Christ for the rest of his life or if he ever came around. He compared it to us teaching that we  ust be bold and let it cut where it may. People may not accept us or have a desire to follow Christ fully, but it is our duty to preach His Gospel in the fullest. We never know if they will come back at a later time, but as we know at some point all will come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, if not in this life, the next. 

Elder Gittins and I had been working on being very bold before the zone conference so it was like adding fuel to the fire. Whether being bold about the First Vision and the realitly of how Joseph Smith saw our Heavenly Father and his Son, or about one of His commandments, we have found a greater joy and energy in speaking the truth.

That energy was going strong until Elder Gittins got sick. On Friday he said his throat hurt and it was swelling and he thought he was going to pass out. So we called and tried to get him some help but to no avail. Saturday it was the same thing and we even went on an exchange so that I could go to the baptism of one of the people we are teaching. (Which the guy never actually showed up to his baptism, but thats another story) The hospital was completely useless as they didn't even look at his throat, and Sunday morning wasn't even better so they finally gave him some antibiotics and now he is feeling better. So we tell God tenki. 

So about the baptism. Elder Sabau and I went on exchange to be there for it. Elder Sabau and Elder Gallano were supposed to have 2 people being baptized and we were to have 1. Turns out only 1 guy actually showed up. Our own candidate says his friend died unexpectedly, so I guess thats a decent excuse, but the other guy we still have not heard from...whoops. But even with the one we had a lovely service and it was a nice baptism. 

Hope is awesome. There is always hope, because of Jesus Christ. As I learned more about hope this week a few point really stuck out to me. Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. Through him we always have hope for a brighter future. I heard somewhere that you can replace anytime it says "light" in the scriptures with "hope". 
Using this my favorite scripture is 3 Nephi 18:16 "And as I have prayed among you even so shall ye pray in my church, among my people who do repent and are baptized in my name. Behold I am the [hope]; I have set and example for you."

The fact of the matter is that becuase Jesus Christ  the Savior of the world, atoned for the sins of all mankind, we have hope. Hope for a better day, hope of love and compassion, and hope that the Mariners will make the playoff this year. Hope is amazing and can lift anyone on the darkest of days if you just remember, there is always hope!

Elder Hendricks  

1. Zone Leaders came to visit
2. Final count before they fixed things
3. Proselyting 

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