Sunday, November 3, 2019

An Interesting Testimony Builder (10/28/2019)

I'll just cut to the chase and share the most shocking news of the week.

Saturday as we started our day it seemed pretty normal with our first few appointments going well and seeing the people that we needed to see. Then as we went to one family to teach them, they told us that we should to go the family that we are teaching thats lives about a100 yards away. 

Well this family was a mother and her three kids. A 20 year old girl, 18 year old girls and 15 year old boy. The boy had gone to wash his clothes in the river because there was no water near there house. Well it turns out after he washed all his clothes he went for a swim and ended up drowning. 

As we approached the house, there was lots of commotion. In the African culture, it is part of the culture for everyone to come crying to the house of he who died. So while we were there there was lots of crying and wailing and screaming. Lots of people asking God why and saying "when i have tried so hard to serve you". Now it was very uncomfortable to be there and watch it for one reason.

My knowledge of the Plan of Salvation that our Heavenly Father has laid before us. While death is hard and Emmanual has departed for this mortal earth. This mortal earth is yet a small part of the plan for us. Knowing that God has a bigger and better plan/job for each of us allows us to understand that death shouldn't be filled with all the wailing and screams. But it should be a time to rejoice in the life of he who has passed and maybe even a time to check yourself, to make sure you are doing everything that you need to be doing to return and live with he that has passed in the Celestial Kingdom.

So as a sat there Saturday afternoon and with our branch Sunday afternoon I could not help but think of the love Heavenly Father has for us. And why he has given us the Plan of Happiness. I encourage you as well to think about what this plan means to you and how it can change your perspective of this mortal life. 

Elder Hendricks 

1.After district council the restaurant we went to was playing game 1 of the World Series, Elder Hadlock and I about lost our minds. 

2. Soccer with our zone 

Waterloo (10/21/2019)

This week has been way less interesting and actually pretty awesome. 

As I stated last week we were put into a trio, it was short lived and while on paper I think we are in a trio, Elder Blatter and I are chilling doing good work. The other Elder is proselyting in the next area over. So while we are still all in the same apartment we don't work together anymore. 

This week was way busy for Elder Blatter and I as we had a bunch of people to see and not a whole lot of time to do it. This transfer as a Zone we are focusing more on strengthening our relationships with Branch Leaders so that we can be an additional source of help for them, as this district is still fairly new in the church. The first branch being created in 2015 and the district being formed in 2017. So add that to our list of investigators and it keeps us busy throughout the week. 

One way that we have been focusing on this is through family history. Helping them truing understand the meaning behind it and helping them send names to the temple. This to me, honestly sounded like a drag. Just ask my mom what I thought of family history a year and a half ago. But now, wow! I love it. This week we taught four different members all about it and how to fill out a pedigree chart. My favorite by far was with the Bangura family, and family were the father has been a member for quite a few years but the mother and four kids were just baptized 4 weeks ago. It was so awesome to see how they thought of it and we even filled out a giant pedigree chart for all the kids on one of their whiteboards. 

This week we also went to Tombo. Which is out of our area but we have special permission to go there as there is a recent convert and her husband that live there. Tombo is right on the ocean and is a fish community. It is about a 30 minute taxi ride from out area through the mountains until we reach the beach. It is a quiet community that is way beautiful. I didnt take any pictures, my bad, but we are going back this week so dont worry I will. 

The week rounded out yesterday with yours truly teaching primary. The reason behind this is that I sweated my way through sacrament meeting and the sunday school room doesn't have any fans. So there was no way I was going in there. I thought I will just join which ever class is meeting in the big room and sit next to a fan. Turns out the primary is preparing for their program and they were using the big room. The Primary President saw and opportunity, and maybe taking out a little anger that she had because Elder Blatter and I only visited her twice that week, and had me teach. I taught all the pikin dem how to pray. And then we had singing time. 

This week in Come Follow Me my eyes were opened. I will admit as we have gotten deep into Paul's epistles my interest and comprehension levels have gone down. But this week as I was moving along I was stopped by Colossians 1:12-23. I followed the direction of Come Follow Me and made a list of what these verses teach us about Christ. I was astonished on how many things were packed into those small verses. If you have not I invite you to do it and see how your life changes are you come to a better understanding of what Christ has done for us. 

Elder Hendricks 
1. Primary Kids
2. Two kids in my area
3. Girls at the Cole Family in our branch 

I Am Ok (10/14/2019)

This week has been crazy for one sole reason. Elder Hadlock decided to get robbed. Let me elaborate, 

Elder Hadlock is my zone leader, and we are in the same district. Wednesday morning at 1am he abd his companion were awoken to 6 dudes breaking down the door into his apartment. The proceeded to then threaten them and steal there stuff. Money, phones, cameras, tablets, socks, white shirts, and most importantly his scriptures. But don't worry he is okay. Just a little peeved they stole his scriptures.  

But if you look at the bright side, because they got robbed they moved, and we moved. So, we are now in the same apartment. so its a party. Also they closed down the area where he was serving and moved him and his companion to another area, and the elders that were in that area got split up and one came to Elder Blatter and I. So now we are in a trio. 

The most important thing is that everyone is okay, and I still feel very safe. Talking to Elder Hadlock as well while he describes the experience, it is very apparent that Heavenly Father was watching over him. 

But this week was full of moving and sitting around waiting for people to come to our apartment. But the work is progressing and should be doing better this week. 

Elder Hendricks 

Elder Blatter and I 

What A Day! (10/7/2019)

For those of you who have not heard, Sierra Leone Freetown will be getting a TEMPLE! For any of you as well who are still scratching your head on why President Nelson announced the temples in the womans session, stop. Because the womens session was the only session that was shown to the members here in Sierra Leone. Isn't it crazy how God works?

This past weekend, we the missionaries were able to watch all the sessions on our tablets. However, the womans session was to air at midnight, so we did not watch that one live as they had announced that they would show that session Sunday morning at the district center. When we woke Sunday we checked to see what the changes were they had announced during the womans session. To our great surprise we found that President Nelson had announced 8 news temples one of them of course being in Salone. 

Ever since I arrived here all the talk has been about the temple, which time it will come and where. To see these wonderful people work so hard to prepare and attend the temple in Ghana was great but there is just something about it being in your own country. As we walked to church yesterday morning the sun was just a little bit brighter, the birds sang a little sweeter, and most importantly there was an indescribable spirit that was felt.

Honestly it was a sureal moment to hear the Prophet say Freetown, Sierra Leone and know that soon the wonderful blessings of the temple would be available to these faithful Saints. One of the best days of my life for sure.

In other news this week Elder Blatter and I are balling. It was an interesting becuase we had conference we didnt have normal church so I am stilling learning more about the area and the members but it seems like an awesome branch and I am excited. 

Elder Hendricks

Picture of our area

Apollo Strikes Again (9/30/2019)

Hi yall I got transfered to Waterloo a place where i can send picture so before i leave i want to send you the picture, espieclly the one mom asked about for my plaque.

Love elder Hendricks 

So apollo is just Africa's version of pink eye, and your boy got hit with both eyes. But we got some eye drops and im doing good.

In other news, I got transfered. I had to leave my cushy life in west end Freetown and go back to the real world of Sierra Leone in Waterloo. Its about an hour south east of where I was and its a lot more like a small town rather than a city. 

My new companion is Elder Blatter from  Midway Utah and I am super excited to get to work with him.

My last week with Elder Schwenke was very uneventful. We just kinda did the same old same old until Saturday when we had our baptism for Brother Kabia. It was a combined baptism with the Congo Cross ward and we had 4 cannadites overall. It was a nice service and the Spirit was there. 

I am so excited for General Conference this weekend and to prepare I have been studying the words of the Prophet and Apostles from last conference and it just makes me more excited.

Elder Hendricks

I Got A Cool Shirt (9/23/2019)

The biggest news this week is that I got a way cool shirt tailored. 

Other than that not a lot to report.

Wednesday Elder Langwani and I went on exchange. Elder Langwani is from Zimbabwe and is still in his first transfer, but let me tell you, I had a blast. It was absolutely all my pleasure ti teach with him. And It was a very effective day filled with the Spirit. 

Friday night we had an impromptu district activity playing water pong. Just so you all know...I still got it. 

So this past week, The Prophet of God spoke at my University. And because I am here I had to download it and listen to it later. But I invite all to listen to if you haven't. Easily found on the Church website or BYU Speeches. But I know that Russell M. Nelson is the Prophet on the earth today, and he does in fact lead us to the truth, and we must listen. 

Elder Hendricks

1. My Shirt
2. Johnny and Me
3. Water pong with Elder Johnson 

Zone Conference (9/16/2019)

This week we had Zone Conference, and let me tell you it was awesome! once again it was held in the mission home, also know as the cleanest building in this country so it was way nice to be there again. And to top things off the messages and lessons I learned were awesome. 

This past conference was focused on changing our mission culture, or how all the missionaries see the mission. Sierra Leone mission culture is very laid back and most Elders and Sisters don't really care...oops. But with President Harper we are striving to change that. So this whole conference was focused on how our mission culture should be the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Which I think can really apply to our lives too that we must live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The biggest problem in our mission is a lack of desire to change. And I think that is the same in our own lives. Change is annoying and not easy at all, but it is necessary. Think about Jesus Christ, he made change possible, and if we don't want to change or even worse, resist change, we are basically telling Jesus Christ he suffered for nothing. Have fun saying that to his face on Judgement day. SO...I challenge you all to find one thing that you have been wanting to change, but haven't. And change. 

The week otherwise went okay. I celebrated Kristin and Gary's 34th wedding anniversary on Friday by going to Ice Cream. And Saturday night we made no bake cookies, so as you can see food is still really awesome.

Elder Hendricks 

1. Elder Lunga Elder Johnson and I
2. Ice Cream 
3. Sunrise Saturday morning 

No Coronavirus Yet (03/16/2020)

While Sierra Leone still doesn't have a recorded case of the virus lots of people are still freaking out. The announcement that church w...