Thursday, March 19, 2020

No Coronavirus Yet (03/16/2020)

While Sierra Leone still doesn't have a recorded case of the virus lots of people are still freaking out. The announcement that church was to be cancelled yeaterday didn't help either, most people here don't get the concept of make precautions so thwy just assumed that it was here. This week there was a lot of cars driving around with a PA system and a local pastor preaching about how the people of Kailahun need to pray to God because that is the only way the Coronavirus won't enter Salone. I justed laughed and thought it would be more useful to be preaching that everyone needs to wash their hands with soap and water. Just gives y'all an example of why it hard for a lot of people to grasp the Restored Gospel. Everybody believes in God and how his grace can save us, but the part they don't really get, and the part we try to help people to understand is that, true His grace can save us, but after all that we can do. We need to do as much as we can, like washing our hands:)

Even though church was cancelled, we still were able to proselyte the full amount of time. But it was odd to teach and not invite them to church. We used church as our best way to track the progression of a person too. When we ask a person if they have prayes or read a passage that we left for them, 99% of the time they will says yes regardless of if they actually did it. So their attendance at church was one of the very few ways we could test if they were actually keeping commitments and progressing. But I guess we will just have to find another to really test the people we are teaching. 

This week was the end of the transfer and friday night we received transfer news. Elder Gittins and I will stay together for another transfer and that will mean that I will spend more than half of my mission in the bush. I wouldn't say that I am elated for that to happen but if I have learned anything since being here it is that Heavenly Father knows best and has something in store for me to learn. So here is to another 6 weeks. 

This week while reading Doctrine and Covenants section 121 and studying how I can become a better Priesthood holder something stuck out to me. In versus 41 and 42 it states about how we maintain our Priesthood power, and what stuck out to me is where it states "by kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul". The Priesthood authority from Heavenly Father is the ultimate source of knowledge and understanding. Whether it is ordinances preformed by that Priesthood Authority that help us make covenants with our Father in Hevean, or just the pure knowledge of God's presence and love you feel when receiving a blessing. This section states that we cannot handle the Priesthood authority from God unless we have knowledge and understanding, but I learned that while we exercise or witness this power, how can we not grow our knowledge and understanding! And how grateful I am that I grew up around so many examples of how to handle the Priesthood upon principles of righteousness. Watching and learning from my father, grandfather, uncles, cousins, and leaders. 

This past Saturday morning I received some heartbreaking news that my previous companion Elder Schwenke had passed away that morning. He had been battle cerebral malaria complications and they were trying to get him to a more developed country for treatment when he slipped into the spirit world. This was a shock to me as just 6 months ago I was his first companion as he arrived. He had an incredible ability to make people laugh and smile which will be missed. But our Father's plan of happiness should not be overlooked. As Elder Schwenke has left this earthly life, he will live again. Elder Schwenke was adopted at a young age and one of the first things I remembered after hearing this news was that his birth mom had died when he was small. So while members from Tengbeh Town have called me crying I was able to share with them that he and his mom are together. I can't imagine the pain his family back in Samoa feels but from a young age my parents taught me to think of the reunions that would be had in the Spirit world, and I think that that one was a grand reunion. He will be missed, but I know he is still doing the Lord's work and we'll meet up again one day. 

Elder Hendricks 

1. Picture with one of the members
2. Elder Gittins and I having fun 
3. Our zone from last conference 
4&5. Pictures to remember Elder Schwenke


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hope Springs Eternal (03/09/2020)

This past week we had zone conference and it was way nice. The overall message of the confernce was "What lack I yet?", from Matthew 19:16-22. About the young rich ruler that asked the Savior what he needs to do to gain eternal life. Whence the Savior answers that he must keep the commandments, he replies that he already does that. Christ then introduces the Law of Christ to him and instructs him to sell all he has and impart to the poor. The young ruler then went away in a sorrowful state. 

We talked about this in many aspects but the ones that I like the most are as follows.

1. We can always improve. The young ruler was keeping all the commandments of God but still sensed that he was lacking something. What are we ourselves lacking? What can we do to become closer to the Savior? How can we more closely follow the Law of Christ?

2. President Harper brought a very good point that we don't know what happened to this young ruler after. There is no record of if he stayed away from the teavhings of Christ for the rest of his life or if he ever came around. He compared it to us teaching that we  ust be bold and let it cut where it may. People may not accept us or have a desire to follow Christ fully, but it is our duty to preach His Gospel in the fullest. We never know if they will come back at a later time, but as we know at some point all will come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, if not in this life, the next. 

Elder Gittins and I had been working on being very bold before the zone conference so it was like adding fuel to the fire. Whether being bold about the First Vision and the realitly of how Joseph Smith saw our Heavenly Father and his Son, or about one of His commandments, we have found a greater joy and energy in speaking the truth.

That energy was going strong until Elder Gittins got sick. On Friday he said his throat hurt and it was swelling and he thought he was going to pass out. So we called and tried to get him some help but to no avail. Saturday it was the same thing and we even went on an exchange so that I could go to the baptism of one of the people we are teaching. (Which the guy never actually showed up to his baptism, but thats another story) The hospital was completely useless as they didn't even look at his throat, and Sunday morning wasn't even better so they finally gave him some antibiotics and now he is feeling better. So we tell God tenki. 

So about the baptism. Elder Sabau and I went on exchange to be there for it. Elder Sabau and Elder Gallano were supposed to have 2 people being baptized and we were to have 1. Turns out only 1 guy actually showed up. Our own candidate says his friend died unexpectedly, so I guess thats a decent excuse, but the other guy we still have not heard from...whoops. But even with the one we had a lovely service and it was a nice baptism. 

Hope is awesome. There is always hope, because of Jesus Christ. As I learned more about hope this week a few point really stuck out to me. Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. Through him we always have hope for a brighter future. I heard somewhere that you can replace anytime it says "light" in the scriptures with "hope". 
Using this my favorite scripture is 3 Nephi 18:16 "And as I have prayed among you even so shall ye pray in my church, among my people who do repent and are baptized in my name. Behold I am the [hope]; I have set and example for you."

The fact of the matter is that becuase Jesus Christ  the Savior of the world, atoned for the sins of all mankind, we have hope. Hope for a better day, hope of love and compassion, and hope that the Mariners will make the playoff this year. Hope is amazing and can lift anyone on the darkest of days if you just remember, there is always hope!

Elder Hendricks  

1. Zone Leaders came to visit
2. Final count before they fixed things
3. Proselyting 

The Spirit of Prophecy (03/02/2020)

My mother continues to inform me about the entire Astros situation. I would like to add that I have hated the Astros for a good 5 or 6 years now. Lots of people gave me flack saying that I didnt like them just because the always beat the Mariners. But deep down I could always since that they were up to no good. Some call it a coincidence, but as I have studied more and more about the gospel, I call it the spirit of prophecy.

Back to Sierra Leone, this week President Markus from Freetown with a brand new generator, new solar batteries, and a plumber to fix our pump. So we have power and water and it is amazing! And it makes it a lot easier because we dont sit in the dark and our Nokia bricks dont die everyday. 

This week our zone leaders also came for an exchange and it was cool. We went with Elder Etawo who recently just got transferred to this mission from Liberia so it was fun to hear some stories from another mission.

Right now we are in Kenema for Zone Conference and we forgot the cord to send pictures so sorry, maybe next week. 

Elder Hendricks 

The Vapors of Darkness (02/24/2020)

In 1 Nephi 8 it states that a vapor of darkness came upon all those in Lehi's dream, blinding them from the tree of life or the love of God. They needed to continue to press forward grasping to the rod of iron, or the word of God to feel of that love. If they lost focus at anytime they would wander off and become lost. 

This week we experienced our own vapors of darkness...literally. Some of you might remember a few weeks back I mentioned about suffering for Christ and how we didnt have water. (We still dont have water) and for the past 2 weeks our generator has been broken and to top it all of our solar batteries decided to die on us last week. And those that have forgotten Kailahun is 3 hours from the next city with missionaries and 7 hours from the mission home, so its not easy for things to get fixed easier out here. So that past few days when the sun goes down it becomes very dark. 

Sometimes that fact that we don't have water or electricity and that its hot is very discouraging. But thinking of Lehi's dream as well as when Christ command us to "take up or cross and follow [Him]" makes it a lot easier. As I have learned a lot about the Gospel itself while being here. I have come to a greater understanding of what it means to put Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ first. And I am happy to say and testify that there is last joy and happiness for putting Them first. 

Enough about my problems though, this week we were able to help a lot of people with their problems as well. 

Kailahun continues to never disappoint with what you see and experience. The idea of integrity or telling the truth just does not apply here which makes it frustrating when you contact over 40 people and everyone tells you that they will come visit on Sunday, and not a single one comes. But I am still grateful for the chance that I have to share about The Restoration of the Gospel. The mission has put a big focus on contacting people with The First Vision, in response to the bicentennial celebration. I love it too. It is so fun to be bold and just speak what I know. My favorite moment this week was teaching one YSA woman about Joseph Smith. The only question that she had at the end was "Did this actually happen? ". It was awesome to be able to tell her that I know for a fact that on that spring morning in 1820, Joseph Smith saw our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. How I know that through Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to open the last dispensation. And that through him the Lords Kingdom was once again established on the earth as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its little things like that that make not having water and electricity okay. 

This week I also had the chance to go on exchange with Elder Sabau. He lives with us in our apartment and the four of us are all in the same branch but it was still nice to be able to give him some advice and help him as he continues to train his companion and grow. We went into his area and it was a really nice and we both were able to learn a lot from each other. 

Elder Gittins is still crazy and funny so we are still enjoying and working hard. Also there is a guy from Colorado here that is doing some small business start hep here, dont ask it confuses me too, but he went and graduated from Gonzaga. So Im still deciding if I should rub it in his face that BYU is just the more dominant team. Thoughts?

Elder Hendricks 

Its Very Warm (02/17/2020)

The dry season hit us like a bus this week. Like literally...a bus. The mornings are not so cold anymore and the afternoon sun just beatsdown on you. But its nice, my tan is coming in nicely so there is really no reason to complain. 

This past week has been really awesime despite the fact that the sun is trying to kill us. We have hit turbo mode with our 3 most serious investigators. And the best part about it is that it was all their choice. We teach them a lesson and they do their part to study it before and after and really understand the principles taught. My favorite experience this week is a college age girl that we are teaching. She was a referral given by the branch president. On Saturday we taught her about the Law of Chastity and how it is a requirement for her to be baptized. She understood it fine and said she had no problem with it (which is always a tender mercy in Kailahun) so we gave her the pamphlet about the Word of Wisdom and reminded her about church the next morning. The first thing that she said we she arrived at church was that she had read that book understood it and was ready for another one. Haha it is always awesome to see ones reaction to tne gospel. After church we taught her again and we are super excited for her baptism March 7th. 

Elder Gittin is absolutely hilarious. He is 2 years younger than me and honestly I can tell, but it still super fun. He played golf too so you know naturally that makes us best friends. He is a super good guy that has expressed some of his struggles so far on mission and I can really see why we put together because they are very similar to what I experienced early and I have been able to help him grow and plus Im a stud of a guy so who wouldnt want to be with me. ;)

This past week I studied a lot about pray, and how best we can communicate with our Heavenly Father. We also had the chance to teach a decent number of people about prayer as well. Heavenly Father is waiting for us, He is waiting for us to seek Him. As we seek Him with faith he answers us. I was listening to a BYU speech and a poem really stood out to me. 

Jake, the rancher, went one day to fix a distant fence.
The wind was cold and gusty and the clouds rolled gray and dense.

As he pounded the last staples in and gathered tools to go,
The temperature had fallen and the snow began to blow.

When he finally reached his pickup, he felt a heavy heart.
From the sound of that ignition, he knew it wouldn’t start.

So Jake did what most of us do if we would have been there.
He humbly bowed his balding head and sent aloft a prayer.

As he turned the key for the last time, he softly cursed his luck.
They found him three days later, frozen stiff in that old truck.

Now Jake had been around in life and done his share of roamin’,
But when he saw Heaven, he was shocked—It looked just like Wyomin’!

Oh, there were some differences, of course, but just some minor things.
One place had simply disappeared—the town they called Rock Springs.

The BLM had been shut down, and there weren’t no grazin’ fees,
And the wind in Rawlins and Cheyenne was now a gentle breeze.

The Park and Forest Service folks—they didn’t fare so well.
They’d all been sent to fight some fire in a wilderness called Hell.

Though Heaven was a real nice place, Jake had a wondering mind,
So he saddled up and lit a shuck, not knowin’ what he’d find.

Then one day up in Cody, on a cold fall afternoon,
He saw St. Peter coming, and he knew he’d be there soon.

Of all the saints in Heaven, his favorite was St. Peter.
Now, this line, it ain’t needed, but it helps with rhyme and meter.

So they set and talked a minute or two, or maybe it was three.
Nobody was keepin’ score—in Heaven time is free.

“I’ve always heard,” Jake said to Peter, “that God will answer prayers,
But one time I asked for help, well, He just plain wasn’t there.

“Does God answer prayers of some, and ignore the prayers of others?
That don’t seem exactly square—I know all men are brothers.

“Or does He randomly reply, without good rhyme or reason?
Maybe it’s the time of day, the weather, or the season.

“Now I ain’t tryin’ to act smart; it’s just the way I feel,
And I was wonderin’, could you tell, What the heck’s the deal?”

Peter listened very patiently, and when ol’ Jake was done,
There was a smile of recognition, and he said, “So, you’re the one!

“That day your truck, it wouldn’t start, and you sent your prayer a-flying,
You gave us all a real bad time, with hundreds of us a-trying.

“A thousand angels rushed to check the status of your file,
But, you know, Jake, we hadn’t heard from you in quite a while.

“And though all prayers are answered, and God ain’t got no quota—
He didn’t recognize your voice, and started a truck in North Dakota.”

We mustn't forget to regularly communicate with our Heavenly Father. On the good days and bad.

Elder Hendricks

Our investigators have a gianormous pig


This past week was awesome.

First  off I got a new companion this past week. Elder Gittins from Hyrum Utah. He has been out just over 6 months and is super funny. He likes golf too so you know maybe it was a match made in heaven. He spent his first 6 months in Bo and had some choice companions (to put it nicely), so I am excited to make the best of our time together.

And this week the work took off. It seems that we have so much to do and not enough time to do it all. From teaching our investigators to meeting with members and giving acts of service and meeting new people aand referals, lets just say Elder Gittins and I have been getting very good night sleeps for the past week. This is dry season too and the hottest month of the year (march) is soon approaching. This year definitely doesnt feel as hot as last year, and I dont know if it because it actually isnt or I have adjusted. But i think judging by the fact that if its ever below 80 degrees i put on a sweatshirt, I think i have adjusted and that means everyone will make fun of me when i get home, so im mentally preparing for that now. 

This week we had a baptism, not for us but the other Elders here in Kailahun. And because this is Sierra Leone most things dont work, including our baptismal font, so we went to the river Moa to baptize. Which way cool because now I can say I have witnessed a baptism in a river that divides 2 different countries. Was he baptized in Sierra Leone or Guinea, no one really knows haha. 

Last zone conference we talked about all the things that we suffer for Christ. And if I were to make a list it would be super long haha but right now we have no water. Our well doesnt have enough water to pump into our tank. So it makes for some super fun times and adventures trying to figure out how to shower, do dishes, and go to the bathroom. And I know as most of you read this youll think Im crazy but like I said we must keep an eternal perspective, why are we suffer these temporal things, so that we are able to bring others to the great knowledge of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And when you think of it like that, there isnt anything I wouldnt endure for that. I love teaching the Gospel and it truly has changed my life and I am starting to understand more and more the fulness of joy Heavenly Father has in store for us. 

Elder Hendricks 

No Coronavirus Yet (03/16/2020)

While Sierra Leone still doesn't have a recorded case of the virus lots of people are still freaking out. The announcement that church w...