Sunday, March 15, 2020

Its Very Warm (02/17/2020)

The dry season hit us like a bus this week. Like literally...a bus. The mornings are not so cold anymore and the afternoon sun just beatsdown on you. But its nice, my tan is coming in nicely so there is really no reason to complain. 

This past week has been really awesime despite the fact that the sun is trying to kill us. We have hit turbo mode with our 3 most serious investigators. And the best part about it is that it was all their choice. We teach them a lesson and they do their part to study it before and after and really understand the principles taught. My favorite experience this week is a college age girl that we are teaching. She was a referral given by the branch president. On Saturday we taught her about the Law of Chastity and how it is a requirement for her to be baptized. She understood it fine and said she had no problem with it (which is always a tender mercy in Kailahun) so we gave her the pamphlet about the Word of Wisdom and reminded her about church the next morning. The first thing that she said we she arrived at church was that she had read that book understood it and was ready for another one. Haha it is always awesome to see ones reaction to tne gospel. After church we taught her again and we are super excited for her baptism March 7th. 

Elder Gittin is absolutely hilarious. He is 2 years younger than me and honestly I can tell, but it still super fun. He played golf too so you know naturally that makes us best friends. He is a super good guy that has expressed some of his struggles so far on mission and I can really see why we put together because they are very similar to what I experienced early and I have been able to help him grow and plus Im a stud of a guy so who wouldnt want to be with me. ;)

This past week I studied a lot about pray, and how best we can communicate with our Heavenly Father. We also had the chance to teach a decent number of people about prayer as well. Heavenly Father is waiting for us, He is waiting for us to seek Him. As we seek Him with faith he answers us. I was listening to a BYU speech and a poem really stood out to me. 

Jake, the rancher, went one day to fix a distant fence.
The wind was cold and gusty and the clouds rolled gray and dense.

As he pounded the last staples in and gathered tools to go,
The temperature had fallen and the snow began to blow.

When he finally reached his pickup, he felt a heavy heart.
From the sound of that ignition, he knew it wouldn’t start.

So Jake did what most of us do if we would have been there.
He humbly bowed his balding head and sent aloft a prayer.

As he turned the key for the last time, he softly cursed his luck.
They found him three days later, frozen stiff in that old truck.

Now Jake had been around in life and done his share of roamin’,
But when he saw Heaven, he was shocked—It looked just like Wyomin’!

Oh, there were some differences, of course, but just some minor things.
One place had simply disappeared—the town they called Rock Springs.

The BLM had been shut down, and there weren’t no grazin’ fees,
And the wind in Rawlins and Cheyenne was now a gentle breeze.

The Park and Forest Service folks—they didn’t fare so well.
They’d all been sent to fight some fire in a wilderness called Hell.

Though Heaven was a real nice place, Jake had a wondering mind,
So he saddled up and lit a shuck, not knowin’ what he’d find.

Then one day up in Cody, on a cold fall afternoon,
He saw St. Peter coming, and he knew he’d be there soon.

Of all the saints in Heaven, his favorite was St. Peter.
Now, this line, it ain’t needed, but it helps with rhyme and meter.

So they set and talked a minute or two, or maybe it was three.
Nobody was keepin’ score—in Heaven time is free.

“I’ve always heard,” Jake said to Peter, “that God will answer prayers,
But one time I asked for help, well, He just plain wasn’t there.

“Does God answer prayers of some, and ignore the prayers of others?
That don’t seem exactly square—I know all men are brothers.

“Or does He randomly reply, without good rhyme or reason?
Maybe it’s the time of day, the weather, or the season.

“Now I ain’t tryin’ to act smart; it’s just the way I feel,
And I was wonderin’, could you tell, What the heck’s the deal?”

Peter listened very patiently, and when ol’ Jake was done,
There was a smile of recognition, and he said, “So, you’re the one!

“That day your truck, it wouldn’t start, and you sent your prayer a-flying,
You gave us all a real bad time, with hundreds of us a-trying.

“A thousand angels rushed to check the status of your file,
But, you know, Jake, we hadn’t heard from you in quite a while.

“And though all prayers are answered, and God ain’t got no quota—
He didn’t recognize your voice, and started a truck in North Dakota.”

We mustn't forget to regularly communicate with our Heavenly Father. On the good days and bad.

Elder Hendricks

Our investigators have a gianormous pig

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